There’s one unit per tribe in this update, each one with direct combat benefits as well as general quality of life improvements should you have them.

It may very well be a good idea to stockpile Honor Coins from here on out to make sure you can buy a few of these units as soon as they hit the international version of the game. Each will cost 4400 Honor Coins on release.

This isn’t so much a guide as it is just laying out each of the new Honor Units’ unit details in English. I am not fluent in Korean so there are bound to be a few mistakes, but this should give you the gist of each of these new powerhouses before they make their way to our servers in the coming months.

The base stats are for the 5-star (non-seniored) versions of these units, and the increases granted by their special abilities list both the 5 and 6-star numbers with the 6-star numbers in parenthesis.

New human unit: Fire Elemental

FemaleRanged magicalCan attack air units

Base stats

Attack power: 36 Health: 210 Physical defense: 2 Magical defense: 2 Attack speed: 60 Movement speed: 11. 50 Attack range: 308 Critical strike rate: 20% Critical damage: 50% Respawn time: 150

Attacks and skills

Normal attack: Attacks up to 3 enemies with fireballs that stun. Skill attack: Summons flaming whirlwinds that damage and paralyze enemies. Special ability 1: Increases the basic game speed by 4% (8%). Special ability 2: Increases human movement speed by 3% (6%) and attack speed by 4% (7%). Special ability 3: Immune to terrain damage on stage 10000+. Special ability 4: Appears quickly and is not disrupted by attacks. Flame Resistance: Increases the team’s fire resistance by 50 (100). (Applies even in the Time Shop and stacks, but cannot stack past 2000. )

New undead unit: Spirit of Darkness

NeutralRanged magicalCan attack air unitsStealth detection

Base stats

Attack power: 30 Health: 174 Physical defense: 2 Magical defense: 2 Attack speed: 60 Movement speed: 12. 00 Attack range: 312 Critical strike rate: 20% Critical damage: 50% Respawn time: 150

Attacks and skills

This unit appears to be a flying one, but I can neither confirm nor deny this at this time.

Normal attack: Throws a large field of darkness that damages many enemies. Skill attack: Attacks several enemies with dark energy, stunning and paralyzing them. Special ability 1: Increases the basic game speed by 4% (8%). Special ability 2: Increase the undead movement speed by 3% (6%) and attack speed by 4% (7%). Special ability 3: Immune to terrain damage on stage 10000+. Special ability 4: Also attacks land units. (Attacks both melee and ranged) Soul Rest Breakthrough: Increases Soul Rest gains by 0. 3% (0. 7%). (Applies even in the Time Shop and can be stacked up to 10%. )

New elf unit: Hippogryph

MaleRanged physicalCan attack air units

Base stats

Attack power: 25 Health:186 Physical defense: 2 Magical defense: 2 Attack speed: 60 Movement speed: 12. 10 Attack range: 308 Critical strike rate: 35% Critical damage: 50% Respawn time: 150

Attacks and skills

Normal attack: Throws a slowing projectile at an enemy. Skill attack: Blows a wave of feathers at enemies, slowing them and knocking them back. Special ability 1: Increases the basic game speed by 4% (8%). Special ability 2: Increase the elf movement speed by 3% (6%) and attack speed by 4% (7%). Special ability 3: Immune to terrain damage on stage 10000+. Special ability 4: When on a team, the chance of the Elf Secret Skill procing is increased by 2% (5%). (Can only be increased by 30% this way. ) Ancient Forest Legend: When the Elf Secret Skill procs there is a 2% (5%) chance it will skip two stages instead of one. Only applies when the unit is on a team and cannot exceed a 50% chance.

New orc unit: Blade Master

MaleMelee physical

Base stats

Attack power: 48 Health: 294 Physical defense: 2 Magical defense: 2 Attack speed: 60 Movement speed: 12. 60 Attack range: 45 Critical strike rate: 20% Critical damage: 50% Respawn time: 150

Attacks and skills

Normal attack: Efficiently slices several enemies at the same time. Skill attack: Attacks with a giant circular weapon and moves closer to enemies. Special ability 1: Increases the basic game speed by 4% (8%). Special ability 2: Increase the orc movement speed by 3% (6%) and attack speed by 4% (7%). Special ability 3: Immune to terrain damage on stage 10000+. Special ability 4: Quickly dash to the first enemy. Special ability 5: Immune to paralyze and freeze. Less affected by knockback attacks. Soul Rest Breakthrough: Increases Soul Rest gains by 0. 3% (0. 7%). (Applies even in the Time Shop and can be stacked up to 10%. )

While the Hippogryph is most certainly a support, that doesn’t seem to be the case for the Blade Master. As for the Fire Elemental and Spirit of Darkness, we’ll have to wait to find out.

It generally takes about a month for Korean patches to hit the international version so we’ll just have to wait and see what these units can really do come the next big patch. For now, here’s the gist of what’s to come. I hope this helps you plan your future teams!