“We won’t neglect to utilize every one of the resources to safeguard our nation’s freedoms and interests against Greece, when vital,” Erdogan said at a public interview after a bureau meeting on Monday.


His remarks came in the midst of a new heightening of strain between two neighbors over their questions in the Aegean Ocean, reports Xinhua news organization.

He blamed Athens for making strategies in view of “provocative activities” and proposed that Greece is being “hauled into a bog with military form ups”.

“This is a risky game for both the Greek lawmakers, the Greek express, the Greek public,” Erdogan said.

Relations between the two nations have for quite some time been tense over a progression of issues, an including area and energy questions in the Aegean and the Mediterranean Oceans.

The semi-official Anadolu Organization wrote about Sunday the recording of Greek boats, conveying military vehicles, arrived on Lesbos and Samos islands on September 18 and 21, separately.

Turkey cautioned Greece that these islands have non-military status as per global arrangements.

Recently, Erdogan blamed Greece for “irritating” Turkish warrior jets in the Aegean Ocean and the eastern Mediterranean, a case that Greece has dismissed.

Greek Top state leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis on September 11 said in spite of the new “unsuitable” remarks of Erdogan, he was “consistently accessible and open to a gathering with the Turkish chief”.